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There used to be an old tradition of wearing close to the body little bags containing saint’s relics, pieces of his clothes blessed by the church.

People believed that these shrines will protect them from evil and demons. Over time, these bags have been simplified to the images of saints.
Contemporary religious accessories are not deprived of originality and elegance. Amulets, charms and other items alike are now widely worn by the faithful. However, it is not enough just to wear amulets, it is necessary to use them with prayers and faith to the certain saint.

Nowadays there is a great variety of different amulets which come in versatile shapes, sizes and colors. Sunny stone amulets in the silver rim, however, stand out of the rest due to their perfect natural simplicity that is pleasing to the Lord.
Pendant-amulet made of amber

Our ancestors widely used amber as a talisman against evil forces. Amulet was meant to be worn close to the body, thus pendants hanging on the thread were invented. Such pendant brought happiness, health, luck and protection from various losses.

Sunny stone amulet is known since the Stone Age. With the advent of Christianity, amulets were attributed with paganism. However, people had used to wearing different accessories apart from the crucifix; therefore, later it was allowed by the Church to wear amulets with the image of Saints. These measures were taken in order to avoid usage of various demonic decorations.

Silver amulets

Amulets should not be too extravagant. They, as well as crosses, must be simple, compact and unpretentious. The point is that such items aren’t used to show off, but to keep close to the God, for Faith. Therefore, the best material for manufacture of amulets is silver. This noble metal attributed with magical and healing properties complements the functions of the religious accessory.  It fills the owner with purified energy, stimulates for spiritual development and improvement.

Silver amulets with the images of Jesus Christ, Blessed Virgin Mary and other saints like George made of amber, it’s a perfect combination of Orthodox shrines and ancient charms.

An awesome gift

It’s not as hard to pick a perfect gift as it seems. If one contemplates for a second, it becomes obvious, that main wishes of an average human being are to be healthy, wealthy and successful. It is impossible to satisfy all the needs of our loved ones however it is possible to present a piece of happiness and health embodied in the sunny stone. 

There are various metals and precious stones attributed with healing properties. Amber and silver – it’s a perfect match for the healing and revitalizing jewelry. Natural stones in a silver rim would be the best present for your relatives and friends. Giving them, you guarantee protection from evil spirits, elimination of negative energy, healing from diseases, cheerfulness, optimism; source of creativity and faith. Amulets made of amber and silver – it is a great gift to someone you care about. 

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